- Common 1학기 RISE
- In order to strengthen the capacity of research for students and faculty
- Understand consumer roles within the economy and examine a variety of consumer problems and issues by understanding changing marketplace.
- 1 1학기 Consumer Decision-Making
- Consumer Decision-Making is learn about the theory of decision-making behavior human beings experienced as aconsumer Within the economic, social, political and legal environment surrounding humans. Also, By applying this to the actual situation Understanding the complexity of consumer decision making and acquire the attitudes and ways to approach to rational decision making process.
- Customer Service covers series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. Students will study on the theories, strategies and skills related with the consumer satisfaction and services. Various successful examples also will be investigated.
- 1 2학기 Household Economics
- Provide models of microeconomic theories applied to consumer in the home and marketplace. Analysis of economic models of family and household production, consumption, and time allocation. Emphasis on preliminary tools for analysing the role of consumer within economy
- Provide an understanding of retail infrastructure and promotional techniques in order to make rational decisions.
- 1 2학기 Consumer Ethics
- Many social and environmental problems are related to consumer behavior. This class covers consumers' social responsibilities in the mass consumption society. In the class, practical consumers' ethical behaviors contributing to solve the problems will be studied such as anti-consumption behavior, green consumption, local consumption and fairly traded product consumption.
- Study the basic concept, contents and methods of consumer education. Practice of creating consumer education programs for different consumer groups.
- 1 2학기 Analysis of consumer typology
- The purpose of this course is to introduce various criteria to make consumer typology and to suggest sales promotion and communication strategy suitable to consumer typology. These days personal customized marketing is very popular using various personal data. The procedure of personal optimized marketing is also discussed.
- Overview of fundamental understanding of the financial planning for individuals and families. Topics include the financial planning process, financial planning statements, and cash flow management.
- Analysis consumer problems and understanding of relationship of government, nonprofit, and corporate response to consumer problems in terms of regulations for consumers. Review of laws related to consumers in order to find the ways for consumer protection.
- 2 1학기 Consumer Quantitative Research
- Consumer quantitative research deals with the analysis and interpretation of data that is measured in a systematic way to investigate various phenomena in consumption environment and their relationships. The main goal of consumer quantitative research is to answer questions on relationships between variables to explain, predict and control a phenomena. Therefore, this quantitative method is generally used to check the cognition and emotion of consumer and to set up sales strategy and government policy.
- 2 1학기 Financial Education
- The purpose of this course is to acquire knowledge and skills about various financial markets and financial products that can improve the adversity of financial consumers so that they can effectively cope with financial market changes. Ultimately, it contains the ability to develop financial consumer education programs for each educational subject and education target.
- 2 1학기 Merchandising Analysis
- This course explores how retail distributor select product, set profitable prices, promote store awareness and sales through effective display. It also covers inventory management, logistics management and information management related with merchandising and explores the various strategies of merchandising of retailers.
- Understanding on the consumption with cultural perspectives and examination of the interaction between consumption and mass culture. Privide a prediction and insight of consumer trends in the future.
- 2 1학기 Sustainable Consumption
- This course examines ways to understand and solve various environmental problems that can be considered for a sustainable society through an economic approach in terms of consumption. Students also understand the concepts of growth, energy saving, environmental issues, green consumer activities, green civic movements, shared economy, social economy and policies in this course.
- Household savings and investment learn various savings and investment alternatives, including various financial instruments, stocks, bonds, and derivatives, reflecting the changing financial environment. Through this, the knowledge and skills necessary to establish appropriate savings and investment plans are cultivated.
- Principles and practices of consumer counseling for solving consumer problems. Understand goals, process, and skills for consumer counseling associated with various case studies.
- 2 2학기 Qualitative Research Methodology for Consumer Studies
- Qualitative Research Methodology for Consumer Studies introduces the principles and theories of qualitative research applied to the field of consumer studies and acquires the techniques required for the collection and analysis of qualitative data.
- 2 2학기 Insurance Planning for Consumers
- Insurance planning understands the economic risks that financial consumers may face, the importance of risk management and the need for risk management through insurance, and acquires basic knowledge necessary for insurance planning. Based on an understanding of insurance products and the insurance market, consumers develop the ability to select appropriate insurance and manage risk.
- 2 2학기 Analysis of service market
- Analysis of service market deals with the characteristic and type of service industry, periodical change and prospect of each service industry. The characteristic of people-oriented service industry is compared with the characteristic of machinery and automatic-oriented service industry. What kinds of service is favored or disappeared in future is investigated with consumer trend and big data analysis.
- 2 2학기 consumer psychology
- Consumer psychology is to understand consumer choices and behaviors in depth among various economic situations associated with consumer activities using psychologic knowledge and perspectives. Insights related to the consumer activities can be gained through understanding consumer’s choice and behavior based on consumer psychologic viewpoint in more detail.
- Consumer Issue addresses current and future consumer problems or issues emerging from the changing economic environment. Through this class, students can understand consumer problems and aware the resources available to prevent them. International consumer issues also will be discussed.
- 2 2학기 Analysis of Retailing Industry
- In order to understand the distribution process in a changing domestic and abroad distribution environment, this subject conceptually deals with the flow of distribution business as a basic concept and analyzes the current status, and changes of retail business required to apply it to actual distribution. In addition, an effective distribution strategy and survival strategies are explored.
- 3 1학기 Consumer Big Data Analysis
- This course provides students with big data research method that collect and analysis enormous amount of information, Students can learn the value of big data, predict the future of modern society, and also learn how optimized information is supplied to consumer with big data analysis.
- 3 1학기 Behavioral Finance
- Behavioral finance is the study of explaining human behavior by combining economics and psychology. Behavioral finance makes it possible to explain within financial markets the various bias caused by consumers' irrational financial decisions so that optimal decisions can be made in 'decisions under uncertainty'. Ultimately, through learning behavioral finance, it improves understanding of the financial decision-making process and develops the ability to apply it in practice.
- Household financial counseling develop the ability to apply it according to various consumer types through understanding and learning about financial counseling and financial coaching. In addition, credit counseling and learning about solutions are conducted for consumers and vulnerable groups experiencing credit problems to develop the ability to solve financial and credit problems of various consumers.
- 3 1학기 Store management
- This course examines in-store layout, design, visual search and customer service, overall product management, product planning system, commodity purchase, retail pricing, and retail communication mix. Ultimately, students have capability to develop store development and commercial analysis by acquiring knowledge of store location and location selection.
- 3 1학기 Product Planning
- Consumer satisfaction is important in planning products. Product planning is a process developing new products and managing the products throughout product life. This class covers basic product planning process and study various samples of product planning reflecting various consumer need.
- 3 1학기 Consumer Science Seminar
- The problem that can be caused in consumption environment is considered on the basis of deep understanding of consumer behavior concerning consumer science. The ability to study consumer science is actually cultivated by collecting and analyzing data, reporting results of study.
- 3 1학기 Consumer Credit Management
- This course provides an insight about the concept of credit and importance of credit management in a credit society, and deals with the methods of credit management, credit inquiry and laws related to credit management. Students also learn the proper credit management methods using the theoretical framework of credit management and examine the impact of credit management on consumers and households.
- 3 2학기 Topics in Financial Consumer
- Topics in Financial Consumers study the current state of financial markets and financial institutions, and understand the decisions and behaviors of financial consumers in financial markets. In addition, we explore alternatives to solve financial consumer problems through acquiring finance knowledge and financial policy necessary to prevent and solve various problems that consumers face in financial market.
- 3 2학기 customer management
- In order to offer suitable products and services based on customer’s needs, either understanding current and potential customers or implementing various activities for the customers is the first step for making relationship with the customer in the market place. Specific areas, which are planning the customer management, management of customer data, customer analysis, implementation management, evaluation of performance, big data management and analysis, need to be dealt with as the strategies of the customer relationship management for retaining current customers and making loyal customers.
- 3 2학기 Retailing Management
- Students learn retail education and career courses, including exploring dynamic, challenging and rewarding opportunities in this course. Retailing management also deals with problems that the retail industry faces.
- 3 2학기 Online Consumer Behavior Anaysis
- New Innovative digital technique is making a great step forward in internet environment. Consumers on-line purchase behavior is also needed to interpret in new paradigm in accordance with changing consumption environment. The aim of this course is to compare the characteristic of on-line consumption with traditional consumer behavior and to consider various factors that influence on-line purchase behavior.
- 3 2학기 Retirement and Estate Planning
- Retirement planning models is studied in relation with preparation for the old age and retirement design in this course. Ultimately students will practice a comprehensive retirement plan that encompasses both financial and non-financial aspects from a life-long design perspective. Also, students increase understanding about estate planning by learning the basic knowledge and practice of estate planning closely related to retirement planning.
- 3 2학기 Consumer Service Design Study
- Consumer service design is needed to understand the basic concepts of the service industry and service design related to theories and methods associated with enhancing the service planning capability based on understanding the importance of the service industry in the economy.
- 4 1학기 Global Sourcing
- This course deals with how to purchase and transact oversea product on the basis of the structure of distribution. Expecially Students can have the knowledge about transaction with foreign company in dealing with product and service.
- 4 1학기 Analysis of Financial Consumer Behavior
- Based on theory and related research, the financial consumer behavior analysis analyzes the behavior of various financial consumers, such as consumption and expenditure, savings and investment, debt and credit use behaviors and examines the problems that can happen in an economic financial environment. It also analyze the behavior of financial consumers in real financial markets using various survey and analysis technique.
- 4 1학기 Service Measurement and Assessment
- Students do practice in collecting data, analyzing and writing report after setting up performance indicator ideally matched to service type of industry. Their practical ability to improve service quality for customer is cultivated by considering solution of problem appeared from outcome of measurement.
- 4 1학기 Consumer Advertising Psychology
- Advertising is closely related with consumers purchase behavior. The purpose of consumer advertising psychology is to discover how advertising influence human nature for sales promotion. Consumer advertising psychology covers what attracts attention, what influences consumers information processing and memory, what kinds of factors give a pleasant impression, and what leads to the act of purchase.
- 4 1학기 Consumer Safety
- Consumer safety is to understand the concept of consumer safety in the marketplace, to learn key issues on consumer safety, types of consumer risks, and consumer safety law & polices, and to acquire regulatory principles and practices through both the debate and the current status of social regulatory activity in terms of consumer safety
- 4 2학기 Analysis of Start up Business
- It is considered whether Start-up item of business is appropriate from the perspective of politics, society, and economy and whether there is the possibility of success of business through predicting consumer response in domestic market and then ideas for cooperation with related type of business, fund, distribution, and advertising is reviewed.
- 4 2학기 Consumer Interaction Convergence Project
- Consumer interaction convergence project is based on learning the innovative process and problem solving in terms of planning and utilization of user-oriented product and service through the design thinking method and implementing practical convergence education in order to improve adaptability to the market environment.